Saturday, August 23, 2003

AUDIENCE [farside]
the stage was set again
and i still didn't notice exactly what was going on there
did i hear you say something?
or was it another childish innuendo?
i chose to be alone now i can't complain
i've been locked out before
but now your welcome mat has been pulled from beneath my feet
will i still be getting my turn?
now i know i should have made my move some time ago
i chose to be alone now i can't complain.
i'll just mope around for a while because it's all that i can do
the hardest part of making my mistakes
i always rub 'em in my face
what have i done? i hope you'll never know
why would you care anyway?
do you still talk about me?
i know it sounds so silly but it means so much to me
do you still talk about me?
another face in your audience is what i hoped i'd never be

* essa é mais uma daquelas músicas que me trazem dor, mas um certo alívio também. vai entender...